For some time now, the challenging market situation has kept us on our toes, showing us on a daily basis that the world does not stand still – no matter what! Not even when major industrial nations have been in lockdown again and again for a year and a half. Quite the opposite: for many developments, the resulting circumstances have even acted as a catalyst.

How sensitive our international transport routes are became clear in the spring of 2020 with the cancellation of air connections and the shortage of containers in the Asian seaports. After the situation had calmed down briefly, the supply chains were disrupted again by the Ever Given accident in the Suez Canal and the renewed bottlenecks in the ports around the Chinese metropolis of Shenzhen.

In addition, another fact was brought home to us: In the global distribution of scarce goods, Europe is not always in first place as a buyer. The People’s Republic of China, with 1.4 billion inhabitants, not only accounts for just under a fifth of the world’s population, but also generates roughly the same share of the world’s GDP. For China’s enormous demand for consumer goods, even European automobile companies have to take a back seat. One example of this is the supply capacities in the semiconductor factories. This scenario could not have been imagined a few months ago.

Nevertheless, the corona pandemic has not only shown us what we are vulnerable to. It has also made us aware of our individual strengths.

Our deep understanding of the industry and the networks we have built up over the years in China and Taiwan make all the difference. We maintain long-standing relationships with all our strategic production partners and continuously strengthen these contacts through our local supplier relationship managers in the Far East. As a customer, you benefit significantly from this.

Through these valuable relationships, we always find individual and efficient solutions for our customers, even in this challenging market environment. Despite the harsh market conditions, we also cover the additional demand and remain able to deliver. We are proud that all our series projects continue without interruption and that we always work out constructive solutions with our customers to ensure sufficient material for production.

We do not yet see any easing in the coming quarters. In some cases, delivery times will even be longer and an improvement in the general transport situation is not yet in sight. Furthermore, due to the allocation of different components, partial deliveries are increasingly necessary to maintain the supply chains.
But we will continue to face these challenges in the second half of the year and coordinate any order changes with you as our customer in close exchange.

Do you have any questions or would you like to discuss your project with us in detail? Do not hesitate to contact us. Our display experts will be happy to support you.

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