

The future of the display? It’s getting more sophisticated!


Few people in Switzerland know the display industry as well as Dieter Heimgartner. More than 40 years ago, in 1980 to be exact, he co-developed STN (super-twisted nematic) technology, co-inventing the globally significant STN patent, which had a decisive impact on LCD technology then and continues to shape it today. So, when it comes to determining the direction in which the display market is heading, there are few more qualified to comment than Dieter Heimgartner – who, you’ll be interested to know, is not only the co-founder of DMB Technics but also our CEO. 

FALD displays: high-end technology now becoming affordable


Darkest black. Breathtaking contrast. Brilliant colors. A service life spanning decades. Low energy consumption. The superlatives just keep coming: FALD displays are among the best on the market in terms of screen technology. Up to now, they have primarily been installed in high-end TVs and premium car brands, but they are now also becoming of interest for a wide range of commercial applications.

E-paper displays: more flexibility, less power


E-paper has actually been around for decades, but it is only recently that the technology has grown in everyday use. For example, it is increasingly being used at major distributors in the form of electronic shelf labels or at home in smart home technology. E-paper displays offer a wide range of unique benefits compared to conventional displays, and with DMB Technics, you can even take advantage of customized solutions.

DMB Technics supports e-bike manufacturers with customized display solutions


E-bikes have gained enormous popularity and have become an important segment in the bicycle market. Sales of e-bikes have steadily increased in many countries and the demand for these electrically assisted bicycles remains high. There are several reasons for the continued popularity of e-bikes. For one thing, they offer an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional car transportation and help reduce emissions and congestion. For another, e-bikes make it comfortable to travel longer distances and make cycling easier on hilly terrain.

DMB expands its TFT portfolio with the addition of the manufacturer Smartwin


A key to the success of DMB Technics are the long-term and close relationship with our production partners in Asia. This enables us to always offer our customers customized solutions and to react flexibly when needed. Partnership, trust and reliability are values that are naturally important to us not only [...]

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